All those sweet times - w4m If I could erase our time together I would. It feels easier then trying to forget you on a daily basis; I'm failing miserably at that btw. It should be easy after what you did, boiling the totality of who I am down to a handful of numbers. Numbers that you used to determine if I was good enough for you: dollars in a bank account, the size of my jeans. Not realizing those issues aren't mine but yours. Fears and insecurities you've been running from all of your life. Small town boy coming from so little, chubby kid all grown and strong now; hoping no one ever finds out. I never would have done that to you, ever. If you lost your job, gained 50lbs I would support you, help you get back on track, be a rock for you. Too bad you're not as strong as you seemed. And even with all of that I miss you daily because you are the closest thing I've ever found to exactly who I've always been looking for...even with your projected insecurities. I hope you find what your looking for and she is the Barbiw you want and has lots and lots of money because that is really what counts with you. Your really something Jeff! Photos Send Message Flirt for FREE Add to favorites |